lustige und/oder nachdenkliche Filmzitate

Plausch & Palaver
Kim Sun Woo
Recherche und Archiv
Beiträge: 18842
Registriert: 09.09.2008
Wohnort: Ruhrgebiet

Beitrag von Kim Sun Woo » 1. Apr 2014 01:38

Punk: "Und ich bin zum Beispiel Stalinist."
Spießermädel: "Wir haben das gerade im Leistungskurs gehabt, also Stalinismus... aber das war doch echt totale scheiße."
Punk: "Ja, deshalb bin ich auch Stalinist."

8-) :mg:

(aus: "Dorfpunks")
.... Und sonst so?

Kim Sun Woo
Recherche und Archiv
Beiträge: 18842
Registriert: 09.09.2008
Wohnort: Ruhrgebiet

Beitrag von Kim Sun Woo » 1. Apr 2014 02:05

nicht aus einem Film, sondern einer Serie. gibt unzählige Dialoge aus "The Wire", die es sich zu zitieren lohnen würde. dieser hier, relativ zu Beginn der show, ist einer von denen, die bei mir besonders hängengeblieben sind.

in der Szene wird Omar Little, wenn man so will eine Art Straßen-Robin Hood, als Zeuge in einem Prozeß von dem Anwalt Maurice Levy vernommen, dessen größte Einnahmequelle seine Tätigkeit als go-to lawyer für den Kopf eines Drogenrings ist.

Maurice Levy: You are feeding off the violence and the despair of the drug trade. You are stealing from those who themselves are stealing the lifeblood from our city. You are a parasite who leeches off the culture of drugs...
Omar Little: Just like you, man.
Maurice Levy: Excuse me? What?
Omar Little: I got the shotgun. You got the briefcase. It's all in the game though, right?
.... Und sonst so?

Beiträge: 14366
Registriert: 14.12.2011

Beitrag von Curumo » 18. Apr 2014 00:10

I heard a joke once: Man goes to doctor.
Says he's depressed.
Says life is harsh and cruel.
Says he feels all alone in a threatening world.
Doctor says, "Treatment is simple.
The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight.
Go see him.
That should pick you up."
Man bursts into tears.
Says, "But doctor... I am Pagliacci."
Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.
I dreamt I broke your heart
and the dream came true

Beiträge: 70299
Registriert: 09.01.2008
Wohnort: Niedersachsen

Beitrag von illith » 18. Apr 2014 01:35

der film berstet einen sowieso immer vor lauter epicness.

Kim Sun Woo
Recherche und Archiv
Beiträge: 18842
Registriert: 09.09.2008
Wohnort: Ruhrgebiet

Beitrag von Kim Sun Woo » 30. Apr 2014 14:09

die finale "Mad Men" Staffel läuft ja seit einigen Wochen. Grund genug für ein paar Zitate aus der show mit den vielleicht besten Dialogen (teilt sich den ersten Platz mit den üblichen Verdächtigen a la "The Wire" und vielleicht noch "Arrested Development" - wenngleich letzteres ja in eine deutlich andere Richtung geht).
Don Draper: "By love you mean big lightning bolts to the heart, where you can't eat and you can't work, and you just run off and get married and make babies. The reason you haven't felt is because it doesn't exist. What you call love was invented by guys like me. To sell nylons."
Roger Sterling: "I told him to be himself. That was pretty mean I guess."
Peggy Olsen: "I have a boyfriend."
Joyce Ramsay: "He doesn’t own your vagina."
Peggy: "No, but he’s renting it."
Wendy Gleason: Don, ask a question. You can just think of it. You don't have to say it out loud.
Does someone love me?
Don Draper: What?
Wendy: That's what your question was.
Don: Why would you say that?
Wendy: That's everyone's question.
Don Draper: The greatest thing you have working for you is not the photo you take or the picture you paint; it's the imagination of the consumer. They have no budget, they have no time limit, and if you can get into that space, your ad can run all day.
usw. usf.

(und falls man es nicht schon erahnen kann - oder hier anderswo gelesen hat - "Mad Men" ist in den letzten Jahren so ziemlich meine Lieblingsserie gewesen, selbst wenn der "fiese" Grundtenor mich so oft mit einem negativen Gefühl zurück gelassen hat)
.... Und sonst so?

Beiträge: 14366
Registriert: 14.12.2011

Beitrag von Curumo » 30. Apr 2014 19:30

Ivan: Lampert ist ein toller Kater, aber er ist zu nichts zu gebrauchen.

Gunnar: Er hat meinen Kater erschossen
Ivan: Nein, wir dürfen uns nicht immer wegen jeder Kleinigkeit gegenseitig beschuldigen. Er war des Lebens überdrüssig und da war unsere kleine Schießerei eine gute Gelegenheit Abschied zu nehmen.

Ivan: Ist das ein gut aussehender Mann! Dein Vater?
Adam: Das ist Hitler!?
Ivan: Nein, Hitler hatte einen Vollbart. Nein hast recht, hab ich mit dem Russen verwechselt.

Aus Adams Äpfel. Dieser Film... :trollol:
I dreamt I broke your heart
and the dream came true

Kim Sun Woo
Recherche und Archiv
Beiträge: 18842
Registriert: 09.09.2008
Wohnort: Ruhrgebiet

Beitrag von Kim Sun Woo » 30. Apr 2014 21:32

.... Und sonst so?

Beiträge: 14366
Registriert: 14.12.2011

Beitrag von Curumo » 2. Mai 2014 05:05

The War. The humans, I think, knew they were doomed. Where another race would surrender to despair, the humans fought back with greater strength. They made the Minbari fight for every inch of space. In my life, I have never seen anything like it; They would weep, they would pray, they would say goodbye to their loved ones, and then throw themselves without fear or hesitation at the very face of death itself, never surrendering. No one who saw them fighting against the inevitable could help but be moved to tears by their courage. Their stubborn nobility. When they ran out of ships, they used guns, when they ran out guns they used knives and sticks and bare hands. They were magnificent. I only hope that when it is my time, I may die with half as much dignity as I saw in their eyes in the end. They did this for two years they never ran out of courage but in the end, they ran out of time.
Aus Babylon-5 In the Beginning

Seinfeld, The Frogger

Slippery Pete: Well, I need a battery for this kind of a job. Can I at least steal a battery?
George Costanza: Fine. Steal the battery. Now, all right, here is the Frogger. This is the front door, and this is the outlet.
Slippery Pete: What's that?
George Costanza: The outlet?
Slippery Pete: Mm-hmm.
George Costanza: That's where the electricity comes out.
Slippery Pete: Oh, you mean the holes.

Kramer: But I don't even really work here...

Jon Snow: You're Tyrion Lannister? The Queen's brother?
Tyrion Lannister: My greatest accomplishment. And you, you're Ned Stark's bastard, aren't you?
[Jon walks away]
Tyrion Lannister: Did I offend you? Sorry. You are the bastard, though.
Jon Snow: Lord Eddard Stark is my father.
Tyrion Lannister: And Lady Stark is not your mother, making you … the bastard. Let me give you some advice, bastard: never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.
Jon Snow: What the hell do you know about being a bastard?
Tyrion Lannister: All dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes.
I dreamt I broke your heart
and the dream came true

Kim Sun Woo
Recherche und Archiv
Beiträge: 18842
Registriert: 09.09.2008
Wohnort: Ruhrgebiet

Beitrag von Kim Sun Woo » 26. Aug 2014 14:55

Julia: May I ask what happened with Linda?
Robbie: She wasn't the right one, I guess.
Julia: Did you have any idea she wasn't the right one when you were together?
Robbie: I should have. Uh, I remember we went to the Grand Canyon one time. We were flying there and I'd never been there before and Linda had, so you would think that she would give me the window seat but she didn't and... not that that's a big deal, you know. It's just there were a lot of little things like that. I know that sounds stupid...
Julia: Not at all. I think it's the little things that count.

aus: The Wedding Singer

.... Und sonst so?

Kim Sun Woo
Recherche und Archiv
Beiträge: 18842
Registriert: 09.09.2008
Wohnort: Ruhrgebiet

Beitrag von Kim Sun Woo » 7. Sep 2014 19:10

Coach McGuirk: "The other thing Brendon is: cheating is just another way of being prepared.
Basically memorizing something is cheating. You knew the answer before the test was given.
And so by taking the test and saying that you learned that stuff ..."
Brendon: "... that's cheating!"
Coach McGuirk: "That's cheating! You're already cheating."
- aus der Serie "Home Movies"

:schlaumeier: :P
.... Und sonst so?
