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Verfasst: 18. Jun 2017 19:56
von Curumo
Bob: Did you know that more than 33 different aboriginal tribes believe that the soul resides somewhere in the lower intestinal tract? Absolutely true, but here's the zinger: none of these tribes have any knowledge of each other's existence. Coincidence? Coincidence? Why do you think all these separate peoples got such an idea?
Qohen Leth: Dysintery.

Verfasst: 18. Jun 2017 20:08
von gemüse
Wer je unter Dysenterie litt, dürfte diese Vorstellung ohne Probleme nachvollziehen können.

Verfasst: 22. Jun 2017 01:29
von illith
Gemüse!! xD

Verfasst: 31. Jul 2017 16:00
von Curumo
John Fitzgerald: You all right there kid? Your head in the right place?

Bridger: I guess... I can't help thinking about whether we did the right...

John Fitzgerald: No! Ain't our place to wonder. The good Lord got us on a road whether we choose it or not.

John Fitzgerald: My pop, he weren't a religious man, you know? If you couldn't grow it, kill it, or eat it, he just plain old didn't believe in it, that was it. And this one time he head on up the old Saba hills... San Saba hills? He joined a couple Texas Ranger buddies of his to hunt you know? pretty routine, he done it like a hundred times before, should have been a three-day kill but, on the second day, it all went fucked. Somehow that night he lost his buddies, and to top it off, them Comanches went and took the horses so, he was starving and delirious... and he crawls up into this mott, this... this group of trees out in the middle of nowhere just sticking up in this ocean of scrub and he found religion. At that moment he told me... he found God. And it turns out that God... He's a squirrel. Yea. A big, old meaty one. "I found God" he used to say. "And while sitting there and basking in the glory and sublimity of mercy... I shot and ate that son of a bitch".

John Fitzgerald: Yeah. You might want to close your eyes kid.

Verfasst: 1. Aug 2017 10:06
von Curumo